We are part of a project funded by the Visegrad Fund “Preparation of conditions for the revival of the hemp textile industry in the V4 countries and beyond“.
The goal of the project is to revive the hemp textile industry in the V4 region and beyond. It brings together recognized partners from the V4 countries and Germany with extensive expertise. The main idea of the project is to map what remains of the hemp fiber textile industry in our countries, define the needs and possibilities for its sustainable revival, propose a way to access the most important markets, and verify innovative technology for producing hemp textile fibers.
The main outcome of the project is a digital database of operations that are/were capable of processing hemp stalks, fibers, yarn, or textiles in the region.
This database will include:
factories, machines and technologies, processing capacities of materials and final products;
expert technologists;
affiliated institutions dedicated to the textile industry;
agricultural enterprises capable of supplying raw materials suitable for textile processing;
universities focused on natural fibers and textiles.
In addition to the leading partner, Czechemp, the project partners are:
Slovak Hemp Association (HEMPSKA, SK)
Textile Center (Textilne centrum o.z, SK)
Kender-Cucc kft (HU)
Czech Technology Platform for Textiles (Czech Technology Platform for Textiles, z.s., ČTPT, CZ)
Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants (Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, IWNIRZ, PL)